Holy Mother with
The Secret of Mary
Greeting Mary
Hail Mary, hello,
how are you? I greet you with love, And I thank you for being
available. Deeply, I breathe your roses, The twelve fresh
roses you place in my spirit Every morning when I say hello to
We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God.
Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs.
Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin.
Full of grace are you, Grace spilling over Heaven's boundaries
Into my world, living water, bread and wine, The unmerited favor
of God That you come carrying to me, Your arms always full of

Canticle Of Mary
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, My
Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour For He has looked with favour
on His lowly servant. From this day all generations
will call me blessed: The Almighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His Name.
He has mercy on those who fear Him In every generation. He
has shown the strength of His arm, He has scattered the proud in
their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, And has lifted
up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good
things, And the rich He has sent away empty. He has come to the help of His servant Israel For He has
remembered His promise of mercy, The promise He made to our
fathers, To Abraham and his children for ever. Glory to
the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it
was in the beginning. is now, and will be forever. Amen.
The Lord is with thee, Jesus
Christ the Messiah is with you, And you teach me how to
recognize That the Lord is with me. Blessed art thou among
women, Glowing with love for Jesus, Pure blessedness never
tainted But alive with holy beauty.
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, The most blessed of
humanity, Delivered through you, Virgin Mary.
Byzantine Liturgy Akathist hymn to the Mother of
God (7th century)
“Hail, favoured one”
An archangel was sent from
Heaven to say to the Mother of
God: Rejoice! And beholding
Thee, O Lord, taking bodily
form, he was amazed and with his
bodiless voice he stood crying
to Her such things as these:
Rejoice, Thou through whom joy
will shine forth: Rejoice, Thou through whom the
curse will cease! Rejoice, recall of fallen Adam: Rejoice, redemption of the tears
of Eve! Rejoice, height inaccessible to
human thoughts: Rejoice, depth undiscernible
even for the eyes of angels! Rejoice, for Thou art the throne
of the King: Rejoice, for Thou bearest Him
Who beareth all! Rejoice, star that causest the
Sun to appear: Rejoice, womb of the Divine
Incarnation! Rejoice, Thou through whom
creation is renewed: Rejoice, Thou through whom we
worship the Creator! Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
Seeing herself to be chaste, the
holy one said boldly to Gabriel:
The marvel of thy speech is
difficult for my soul to accept.
How canst thou speak of a birth
from a seedless conception? And
She cried: Alleluia!
Seeking to know knowledge that
cannot be known, the Virgin
cried to the ministering one:
Tell me, how can a son be born
from a chaste womb? Then he
spake to Her in fear, only
crying aloud thus:
Rejoice, initiate of God's
ineffable will: Rejoice, assurance of those who
pray in silence! Rejoice, beginning of Christ's
miracles: Rejoice, crown of His dogmas! Rejoice, heavenly ladder by
which God came down: Rejoice, bridge that conveyest
us from earth to Heaven! Rejoice, wonder of angels
sounded abroad: Rejoice, wound of demons
bewailed afar! Rejoice, Thou Who ineffably
gavest birth to the Light: Rejoice, Thou Who didst reveal
Thy secret to none! Rejoice, Thou Who surpassest the
knowledge of the wise: Rejoice, Thou Who givest light
to the minds of the faithful! Rejoice, O Bride Unwedded!
The power of the Most High then
overshadowed the Virgin for
conception, and showed Her
fruitful womb as a sweet meadow
to all who wish to reap
salvation, as they sing:
Alleluia! |
Offering of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sweet Holy Mother of God, we
love you, we need you. Amen O Immaculate Heart of Mary,
refuge of sinners, I beg of you by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, and by the graces God as granted to you since your Immaculate
Conception, the grace of never going astray again.
Mother, keep me, a sinner, constantly bathed in the light of your Immaculate
Heart. Amen |
O Jesus, through the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and suffering of this day...in union
with the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of
souls, reparation for sins, the reunion of all Christians;
I offer them for the intentions of our Bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer
and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin to Beg for a
Special Grace from the Holy Ghost
O Mary! Most humble Daughter of the Father, most pure Mother
of the Son, most faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost, I venerate
thee with profound humility. Mother most merciful, secure Refuge and
sweet Advocate of sinners! I bow before thine Immaculate Heart, Tabernacle
of the Most Holy Trinity, Seat of Wisdom and Goodness; by thy hands I
offer my heart to God, the Holy Ghost,
and with all humility, and all confidence, I implore that He grant me,
through thy merits, that which I hope to obtain from His
Infinite Goodness. Amen. [Name your request.]

"Holy Cards for Your Inspiration"
The above picture reminds me of just what Mary is "GRACE" every angel you see with an hand held out with a dove is said that it is a angel of giving, grace, and or peace...all of which
Jesus is teaching us as a baby.
Chaplet in Honor of
the Immaculate Heart Suitable for a Novena

V. Incline unto my aid, O God!
R. O Lord, make haste to help me! V. Glory be to the Father, etc.
R. As it was in the beginning, etc.
1. Immaculate Virgin, who,
conceived without sin, didst direct every movement of
thy most pure heart to that God Who was ever the object
of thy love, and who was ever most submissive to His
will, obtain for me the grace to hate sin with my whole
heart, and to learn of thee to live in perfect
resignation to the will of God.
Our Father,
(7) Hail Mary's
Heart transpierced with pain and
woe, Set my heart with love aglow!
2. I marvel, Mary, at thy deep
humility, through which thy blessed heart was troubled
at the gracious message brought thee by Gabriel, the
archangel, that thou wast chosen Mother of the Son of
the Most High, and through which thou didst proclaim
thyself his humble handmaid. Wherefore, in great
confusion at the sight of my pride, I ask thee for the
grace of a contrite and humble heart, that, knowing my
own misery, I may obtain that crown of glory promised to
the truly humble of heart.
Our Father,
(7) Hail Mary's
Heart transpierced with pain and
woe, Set my heart with love aglow!
3. Blessed Virgin, who, in thy
sweetest heart, didst keep as a precious treasure the
words of Jesus thy Son, and pondering on the lofty
mysteries they contained, didst learn to live for God
alone, how doth my cold heart confound me! O dearest
Mother! Get me grace so to meditate within my heart upon
God's holy law that I may strive to follow thee in the
fervent practice of every Christian virtue.
Our Father,
(7) Hail Mary's
Heart transpierced with pain and
woe, Set my heart with love aglow!
4. Glorious Queen of Martyrs,
whose sacred heart was pierced in thy Son's bitter
Passion by the sword, whereof the holy man Simeon had
prophesied, gain for my heart true courage and a holy
patience to bear the troubles and misfortunes of this
miserable life, that so by crucifying my flesh with its
desires while following the mortification of the Cross,
I may indeed show myself to be a true child of thine.
Our Father,
(7) Hail Mary's
Heart transpierced with pain and
woe, Set my heart with love aglow!
5. O Mary, Mystical Rose, whose
loving heart, burning with the living fire of charity,
did accept us for thy sons at the foot of the Cross,
becoming thus our tender Mother, make me feel the
sweetness of thy maternal heart and thy power with
Jesus, that when menaced by the perils of this mortal
life, and most of all in the dread hour of death, my
heart united with thine may love my Jesus then and
through all ages. Amen.
Our Father, (7) Hail Mary's
Heart transpierced with pain and
woe, Set my heart with love aglow!
Let us now turn to the Most Sacred
Heart of Jesus, that He may inflame us with His holy
O Divine Heart of Jesus! To Thee I
consecrate myself, full of deep gratitude for the many
blessings I have received and daily do receive from Thy
boundless charity. With my whole heart I thank thee for
having, in addition to them all, vouchsafed to give me
Thy own most holy Mother, giving me to her as a child,
in the person of the beloved disciple. Let my heart ever
burn with love for Thee, finding in Thy sweetest Heart
its peace, its refuge, and its happiness.
September 15

Our Lady of the Snows
Devotion to Mary
under the title of Our Lady of the Snows is one of the
oldest devotions to Mary. It has direct ties to the legend
about a marvelous snowfall in Rome in 352 A.D. Mary had
indicated in a dream to a wealthy, childless Roman couple
that she wanted a church built in her honor and the site for
this church would be covered with snow. On a hot, sultry
morning on August 5, Esquiline Hill was covered with snow.
All Rome proclaimed the summer snows a miracle, and a church
to honor Mary was built on the hill in 358 A.D. Restored and
refurbished many times, this church, now the magnificent
Basilica of St. Mary Major, still stands today as the seat
of devotion to Our Lady of the Snows in the Catholic Church.
However, Our Lady of the Snows is honored here, not so much
because of the legend, but because of her special role in
the Church that is by its very nature, missionary. The
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate - the congregation of
priests and brothers who operate this Shrine - following the
inspiration of their founder, St. Eugene De Mazenod - have
always called on Mary as their principal patroness, one who
looks upon their missionary efforts with a mother's love.
Patronage If you find yourself burdened with family troubles,
emotional distress, financial problems, illness, separation,
divorce, violence, injustice, death, or abuse, there is

In honor of Mary and my love for her and
Jesus. God's creation of flowers and their meanings,
have touched my heart deeply...I have created a
website in honor of Our Precious Holy Mother.
Mary's Flowers of Love
Virgin Mary
In a typical Mary garden the statue of the Madonna
occupies a place of honor, either in the center or in a
grotto against the wall, with, usually, a birdbath or
bubbling fountain built in front of it. Some of the more
familiar plants of the many that belong in a typical
Mary garden are:
and Trefoil
are said to have sprung forth at the touch of Mary's
foot, and consequently bear the popular names Our Lady's
shoes or Our Lady's slippers.
(Mary's bud) has bell-shaped blossoms of vivid yellow.
An old legend says, "Her dresses were adorned with
Marigold." This flower was used to decorate her shrines for the
Feast of the Annunciation (March 25) and during the
month of May.
Lily-of-the-valley (Our Lady's tears).
This delicate flower is still widely used in Germany,
there it is called Maiglockchen (May bells), to decorate
the Mary shrines in churches and homes during the
Virgin's month (May).
thrive in
moist and shaded places; they blossom in many colors and
present a most attractive sight with their clusters of
little bells, which were called Our Lady's thimbles in
medieval times.
This charming flower is the first herald of spring in
Europe. It often blossoms as early as Candlemas
(February 2) between batches of melting snow; hence the
name. In Germany it is called "Snow bell" (Schneeglocklein).
Little bouquets of snowdrops are the first floral
tribute of the year at the shrines of the Madonna on
Candlemas. It is a popular emblem of Mary's radiant
purity and of her freedom from any stain of sin.
This stately and dignified flower has been associated
from ancient times with Jesus and Mary, and is called
Madonna lily in many parts of Europe. At Easter its
brilliant and fragrant blossoms symbolize the radiance
of the Lord's risen life. Later in the year it is used
to decorate the shrines of Mary, especially on July 2,
the Feast of the Visitation. It also is an old and
traditional symbol of innocence, purity, and virginity.
produces delicate and fragrant blossoms of pale blue
color in early spring. according to legend, the plant
originally bloomed in white; however, it turned blue
(Mary's color) in reward for the service it offered when
Our Lady looked for some bush on which to spread her
Child's tiny garments after having washed them on the
way to Egypt. The bushes do not grow very tall but as
they grow older they spread out and thicken, forming a
dense bush. There is an old superstition that "the
rosemary passeth not commonly the height of Christ when
he was on earth."
dedicated to Mary as symbols of her humility. They are
said to have blossomed forth outside her window when she
spoke the words, "Behold, I am a handmaid of the Lord."
Leaving her, the angel of God blessed the little flowers
in passing, thus endowing them with the tenderest and
most beautiful fragrance of all plants.
were associated
with Mary from early times. Saint Dominic (1221) is
credited with the spreading of the familiar devotion
called the "Rosary (rosarium) of the Blessed Virgin
Mary." The word "rosary" originally meant a rose garden
but was later used in the sense of "rose garland." Three
colors are especially consecrated to Mary: white roses
as symbols of her joys, red roses as emblems of her
sufferings, and yellow (golden) roses as heralds of her
October 7
Feast of
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
The Seven Great Blessings of the Rosary
The Secret of the Rosary
(p. 65), St. Louis De Montfort states: "The Rosary recited with meditation on the mysteries
brings bout the following marvelous results:
1. It gradually gives us a perfect knowledge of Jesus
Christ; 2. It purifies our souls, washing away sin; 3. It gives us victory over all our enemies;
4. It makes it easy for us to practice virtue; 5. It sets us on fire with love of Our Blessed Lord;
6. It enriches us with graces and merits; 7. It supplies us with what is needed to pay all our
debts to God and to our fellow men, and finally, it
obtains all kinds of graces for us from Almighty God."
"If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do
assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins
you shall receive a never fading crown of glory. Even if
you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one
foot in Hell, even if you have sold your soul to the
devil as sorcerers do who practice black magic, and even
if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or
later you will be converted and will amend your life and
save your soul, if----and
mark well what I say----if
you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day until
death for the purpose of knowing the truth and
obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins."

The Memorare Remember, O most loving
Virgin Mary, that never was it known that
anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help, or sought your intercession
was left unaided.
Inspired with this
confidence, we turn to you,
O Virgin of virgins, our
To you we come, before you
we stand,
sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word
Incarnate, do not despise our
petitions, but in your mercy hear us
and answer us. Amen.
Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary is honored on October
7. This was established by Saint Pius V on the anniversary
of the naval victory won by the Christian fleet at
Lepanto, October 7, 1571. The victory was attributed to
the help of the holy Mother of God whose aid was invoked
through praying the Rosary.
read more |
Our Lady of
January 24

Our Lady of
PRAY: Crucified Jesus! Kneeling at your feet, we offer
to you the tears of the one who, with deep and
compassionate love, accompanied You on Your sorrowful
way of the Cross. Oh good Savior, grant that we take to
heart the teachings given us by the tears of Your Most
Holy Mother, so that we may accomplish Your divine will
on earth and may be made worthy to honor and glorify You
in Heaven throughout all eternity.
Pray seven sets of the following, repeating the second
prayer seven times per set:
Pray Once: Oh Jesus! Behold the tears of the one who
loved You most on earth, and who loves You most ardently
in Heaven.
Pray Seven Times: Oh Jesus! Hear our prayers, for the
sake of the tears of Your Most Holy Mother.
You have completed one set, to complete the chaplet pray
the above six more times to complete seven sets.
Then, pray three times:
Oh Jesus! Behold the tears of the ones who loved You
most on earth, and who loves You most ardently in
Pray the closing prayer once:
Oh Mary, Mother of Love, Mother of Sorrows and Mother of
Mercy! We beg you to unite your petition with ours so
that your Divine Son, Jesus, to Whom we now turn in the
name of Your Motherly Tears, answers our prayers and,
with the graces we ask for, grant us the kingdom of
eternal life. Amen.
Don't hold anything back from your Heavenly Mother! She
is waiting for you to turn to her, so that she can
protect you, encourage you, and help you like a good
mother, and bring you to JESUS! She has no power of her
own -- none of us do. But she has been given power from
Our Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth for her
unflinching love and obedience to God the Father, God
the Son, and God the God Holy Spirit!

Virgin and Child Jesus
Novena to Mary, Queen of
All Hearts O Mary, Queen of All Hearts, Advocate of the most hopeless cases;
Mother most pure, most compassionate; Mother of Divine Love, full of
divine light, we confide to your care the favors which we ask of you
Consider our
misery, our tears, our interior trials and sufferings. We know that
you can help us through the merits of your Divine Son, Jesus. We
promise, if our prayers are heard, to spread your glory by making
you known under the title of "Mary, Queen of All Hearts, Queen of
the Universe."
Grant, we
beseech you, hear our prayers, for every day you give us so many
proofs of your love and intercession to heal both body and soul. We
hope against all hope; ask Jesus to cure us, pardon us, and grant us
final perseverance.
(Repeat 3
times) O Mary, Queen of All Hearts, help us; we have confidence in
taken from "Queen of All Hearts" May-June, 2005 magazine; published
by Montfort Missionaries
of Our Blessed Mother Mary celebrated on September
about Our Blessed Virgin
In me is all grace of the
way and of the truth; in me is all hope of life
and holy strength. Ecclesiastics 24
The Memorare (Memorare is
Latin for remember) Remember, O most loving
Virgin Mary, that never was it known that
anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help, or sought your intercession
was left unaided.
Inspired with this
confidence, we turn to you,
O Virgin of virgins, our
To you we come, before you
we stand,
sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word
Incarnate, do not despise our
petitions, but in your mercy hear us
and answer us. Amen.

This article is from
New Advent Catholic
Encyclopedia Click
above link and arrow down
the page to find each
article listed in the below chapters.

Thy birth, O Virgin Mother of God, heralded joy to all the world. For from thou hast risen the Sun of
Christ our God.
Destroying the curse, He gave blessing;
and damning death, He bestowed on us
life everlasting.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
For from thou hast risen of Sun of
Christ our God.

A Birthday Prayer I will say
everyday for you my Precious Mother Mary
"May your day be filled with your
prayers being answered for more
sinners to be saved and more hearts
be converted to know your Son, and
peace in this world, may we all do
penance to save sinners, the poor,
the afflicted and for ourselves to
grow closer to you, as you bring us
to Jesus...Amen
Love your daughter, Prayerflowers

to Mary
A heart of the Consecration is trust
in Mary on the highest level. Many
devotional practices involve
striving to allow Mary to guide
one's actions and invoking her
protection. Total Consecration,
however, involves surrendering the
value and merits of all prayers and
good works (including indulgences)
to the Blessed Virgin, trusting that
her protection and provision is
greater than anything we can do for
Our Precious Mother Mary
gave St. Dominic the Rosary Prayer in 1214

History In 1214, the Virgin Mary
appeared to a penitent St.
Dominic, she presented the
Rosary as the greatest
weapon for conversion.
Immediately, bells rang
miraculously to summon the
people to hear Dominic.
While preaching on the
Rosary, a statue of the
Virgin raised its arms three
times seeming calling down
God's vengeance on the
unrepentant and and a
violent storm erupted. Many
heretics returned to the
Church, and Dominic began to
spread this powerful new
The Rosary eclipsed and
incorporated earlier
devotional practices such as
the saying of 150 'Our
Fathers' to parallel the
more involved monastic
practice of saying all 150
Psalms, and the use of rocks
(later beads) to keep track
of the repetitions.
 The Rosary Solves All
Regarding the Holy Rosary,
Sister Lucia (the lone
surviving seer of Fatima)
speaking to Father Fuentes
in the authentic December 26, 1957 interview
"Look, Father, the Most Holy
Virgin in these last times
in which we live has given
new efficacy in the recitation of the Holy
There is no problem, I
tell you, no matter how
difficult it is, that we
cannot solve by the prayer
of the Holy Rosary. With the
Holy Rosary, we will save
ourselves. We will sanctify
ourselves. We will console
Our Lord and obtain the
salvation of many souls."

Prayers Spring, 1916:
The Angel's
Prayer "My God, I believe, I adore,
and I love You! I beg pardon
of You for those who do not
believe, do not adore, do
not hope and do not love
October, 1916: The Angel's
Second Prayer "Most Holy Trinity, Father,
Son, Holy Spirit, I adore
You profoundly and offer You
the most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of
Jesus Christ, present in all
the tabernacles of the
earth, in reparation for the
outrages, sacrileges, and
indifference with which He
Himself is offended. And
through the infinite merits
of His Most Sacred Heart and
of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary, I beg of You the conversion
of poor sinners."
Fatima, Portugal, 1917 Apparitions to 3 children of
Devotions May 13, 1917: Mary's Request
for the Daily Rosary "Pray the Rosary every day,
in order to obtain peace for
the world, and the end of
the war."
Prayers May 13, 1917: Children's
Interior 'Impulse' Prayer from the
Virgin Mary "O most Holy Trinity, I
adore You! My God, my God, I love You in the most Blessed Sacrament."
July 13, 1917: Mary's Request for Sacrifice "Sacrifice yourselves for
sinners, and repeat often,
especially whenever you make
a sacrifice for them: 'O Jesus, it is for love of
You, for the conversion of
sinners and in reparation
for the sins committed against the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.'"
'Hail Mary' eventually
became longer
(the second half of the
prayer being added in the
14th/15th century).
July 13, 1917, The Virgin Mary's Rosary
"O my Jesus, forgive us,
save us from the fire of
Hell. Lead all souls to
Heaven, especially those in
most need of your Mercy."
was added at the request of
Mary speaking through Sister
Lucia, one of the seers of
the 1917 apparition of Mary in Fatima.
Rosary is also called the
'New Psalter of the Virgin'
It is difficult to find a
pope or saint who has not
had something to write, or
say, about the value of the
Rosary. Every pope of the
20th century wrote something
to encourage the devotion.
11 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes
Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
Mary, you showed yourself to Bernadette in the crevice of the rock.
In the cold and grey of winter, you brought the warmth, light and beauty
of your presence, In the often obscure depths of our lives,
in the depth of the world where evil is so powerful,
bring hope, return our confidence! You are the Immaculate Conception,
come to our aid, sinners that we are. Give us the humility to have a change of heart,
the courage to do penance. Teach us to pray for all people.
Guide us to the source of true life. Make us pilgrims going forward with your Church,
whet our appetite for the Eucharist, the bread for the journey, the bread of life.
The Spirit brought about wonders in you, O Mary :
by his power, he has placed you near the Father,
in the glory of your eternal Son. Look with kindness on our miserable bodies and hearts.
Shine forth for us, like a gentle light, at the hour of our death.
Together with Bernadette, we pray to you, O Mary,
as your poor children. May we enter, like her, into the spirit of the Beatitudes.
Then, we will be able, here below, begin to know the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven
and sing together with you : Magnificent !
Glory to you, Virgin Mary, blessed servant of the Lord,
Mother of God, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit! Amen.
Our Lady of
Lourdes Webcams
Below was taken from one
of the messages to St. Bernadette from our Precious Mother in
"The water that I shall give you will become, in
a spring welling up to eternal life"
was asked: 'Did the Lady say something to you?' She replied: 'Yes, now and again she would say:
penance, penance, pray for sinners"...Our
Lady of Lourdes By penance we understand
conversion. Conversion in the Church, as we learn
from Christ, involves turning our heart towards God
and towards others. "Pray for sinners".
Praying brings us to the Spirit of God.
Thus we understand that sin does not make us happy.
We must understand that sin is something that is
contrary to the love of God that is revealed to us
through the Gospel.
Bernadette, little shepherdess of Lourdes favored
with eighteen apparitions of the Immaculate Virgin Mary
and with the privilege of lovingly conversing with
her, now that you are eternally enjoying the entrancing
of the Immaculate Mother of God, do not
forsake me your devoted client, who am still in the
valley of tears. Intercede for me that I too, may
walk the simple paths of faith. Help me to imitate
your example, at our heavenly Queens request, by
saying the Rosary daily and by doing penance for
sinners. Teach me to imitate your wonderful
devotedness to God and Our Lady the Immaculate
Conception so that like you,
I may be
blessed with the grace of lasting faithfulness and
enjoy the happiness in heaven of the eternal vision of
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lady of Lourdes
we love you!
Precious Saint Bernadette...Please pray for us
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Chaplet of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
O most beautiful flower of Mount
Carmel, Blessed Mother of the
Son of God, assist me in this
necessity. O Immaculate
Virgin and Star of the Sea, help
me and show me that you are my
mother and protector. O Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Queen of heaven and earth. I
humbly beseech you from the
bottom of my heart to help me in
my needs for there are none who
can withstand you grace. Pray
for me and help me to obtain
assistance in this life. Amen
  Say three Our Father's, three Hail Mary's and three Glory's
Ecclesiastics 24:28-81
As the vine, I have brought forth a pleasant odor, and my flowers are the
fruit of honor and riches. I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of
knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth;
in me is all hope of life and of virtue. Come over to me, all ye that desire
me, and be filled with my fruits. For my spirit is sweet above honey, and my
inheritance above honey and the honeycomb My memory is unto everlasting
generations. They that eat me shall yet hunger; and they that drink me,
shall yet thirst. He that hearkeneth to me shall not be confounded; and they
that work by me shall not sin. They that explain me shall have life

The Feast of Our
Lady of Fatima
is a significant day in the Catholic
Church because we remember the message of
peace given to us by Our Lady when she
appeared in 1917 in Fatima Portugal, which
is now largely forgotten by many Catholics..
Wars generate nothing but misery and
suffering. Today, the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction like nuclear
weapons, is spreading at an alarming rate.
In the approved apparitions of Our Lady in
Akita Japan in 1973 approved by then
Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI),
the message is even more urgent warning
humanity will suffer a chastisement if we
fail to repent of our sins. Today sin is
more widespread than ever. Only a few
handful of Catholics pray the most powerful
prayer for peace: the Rosary !
Most Immaculate Heart of Mary... I Love you!!!

St. Anne with the
Blessed Virgin Mary as a little girl..
Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of
Miraculous Medal

Hail Mary
full of Grace |

Our Lady of
Perpetual Help |

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Thank you for sharing Jesus with me today.
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